Embrace 2015 - February

Two months down, ten more to go.  The new year has both flown by, and crawled at a snail's pace. I no longer measure my days with minutes and seconds, but with nap times: morning nap, noon nap, afternoon nap, evening nap.

My word for this year is EMBRACE, and I'm endeavouring to


this year's changes (both joyful and difficult).  Last year my word was BUILD, and by the end of the year I had completely forgotten about it. So, this year I'm planning to do review posts at the end of each month to assess how this year's word is changing my life and my mindset.


My mom stayed with us for the first three months of Little M's life and left at the end of January. February has been a month of adjusting to our new daily rhythms as a family of three. We've been asking ourselves all sorts of exploratory questions in order to improve our quality of life. Some changes involve big decisions, others are more like leaning gently in a new direction. Even the smallest adjustment in rhythm can make huge ripple effects for the rest of the day.

Part of this effort to embrace my new lifestyle (with baby) is to continue doing my small daily sketches.  Some days it's easy and inspiring, other days I struggle to find the time or figure out what I want to draw, and sometimes, I don't draw at all. Even on the omission days, because I had the option of drawing but


not to, I feel like I have a little more agency in my life.

And, I'm becoming an expert at embracing my teeny, tiny daughter.  That's the easy part!


What does March have in store for us?  At the moment I'm not sure that I can really make extended plans beyond my daily to-do lists. The month definitely holds a birthday, so I need to embrace turning another year older!

And, now that Little M has crossed the four month mark, we're going to try embracing solids (or rather, mush). Won't that be an adventure for her little taste-buds!

Did you choose a word for 2015?  Are you noticing any shifts in consciousness from it? 

What victories are you celebrating this month?

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