The first full week of school


Happy Monday Friends!

This is our first full week of the new school year, and I’m looking forward to having routine in my life again. Every morning my daughter walks around the block to school. She proudly showed me the yellow flower on her navy jumper, the logo of her school. She is so proud to be a big girl, going to big school.

I’m trying to honour this transition, and really enjoy the process.

What are you doing right now? I think we’re always in some state of transition, as we’re always in the process of “becoming.” Can you honour that process today?

Comment below with some ideas!


Painting is a diary


This is why I do daily drawings. My sketches, even if they’re rough and unfinished, are a way for me to record my thoughts and experiences from each day. And when I look back at my sketchbooks, I can remember how I felt, where I was sitting, and all the sights, smells and sounds that were around me when I first sketched it. It’s a visceral way to honour each moment.

I can’t manage a drawing every day. And that’s ok. I’d rather be gentle with myself that hold unrealistic expectations. But I try, and that’s what counts. The “almost” daily practice adds up more that you realise. Since I started shortly after my daughter was born, I’ve filled 8 sketchbooks with tiny drawings. That’s three years of memories!

What is one small thing you could do today and tomorrow? That’s my mantra: today and tomorrow... I don’t need to plan any further into the future. If I can manage something today, and then tomorrow, the rest of the tomorrows will take care of themselves.

Summer memories


Hello Friends!

I hope you’ve had a lovely summer. We have been lying on the grass in our garden, staring at the clouds, and watching the sun circle around the sky. Of course, that’s not ALL we’ve done this summer, but a good portion of our time has been spent relaxing amongst the rose and lavender beds, trying to find respite from the heat.

Now we’re slowly returning to routines. Mary switches from little-kiddies nursery to “big school” nursery, which is the year before Reception (Kindergarten). She is very excited about her uniform, and is waiting with anticipation and trepidation for the first day.

I’m easing back into my studio routines, and giving myself lots of margin to let my mind wander creatively. This is something I’ve missed a lot during the rush of deadlines earlier in the year. It is such a luxury to savour the solitude and quiet.

How was your summer? Let me know, I’d love to hear!

Canada Day


The sun is streaming through the kitchen window, and a light breeze billows the curtains like flags. Yesterday we went to our local museum for wagon rides, face painting, and other fun, festive activities. Happy 151st Birthday Canada! 

I am so fortunate to be able to call three counties home: Canada, Great Britain and South Africa. They are such great nations, so different, and also alike in amazing ways. I love having the diversity and richness of all the traditions in my life; from maple syrup, to afternoon tea, to enjoying the perfect braai (bbq). There is so much to celebrate! 

Strawberry moon


Another full moon; another epic storm. This can’t be a coincidence can it? I resolved to paint all the full moons of 2018 and so far we’ve had snow storms, dust storms, rain storms… almost without fail. 

Last night rain lashed the window panes and blew in sheets across the road. Wind twisted the tree-tops. Thunder clapped above our roof, and it was so resonant that the house shook. It was a classic prairie thunder storm, and I’m so glad I got to experience one on this trip home. —

It’s ok to go slow


Take a deep breath. Wherever you are is where you’re meant to be. It’s the perfect starting place for the journey ahead. 

Where do you want to go? All it takes is small, slow steps and you’ll get there. 

It’s ok to go slow. 

I’m slowly working towards my illustration deadlines. Work is going well, but I’m choosing not to be overwhelmed by complications or setbacks. Slow work is better work, because I can focus on excellence (but not perfection, of course! )

Flower moon


I resolved to paint every full moon of 2018, and most of the nights have been cloudy, or stormy, or both. Last night thunder raged through the sky, and I had to cuddle my little three-year-old and sing “I hear thunder” over and over to help her understand that it wasn’t anything to be scared of. 

The full moon in May is called the “flower Moon” for obvious reasons. Right now the climbing roses are in full foison, and the lavender is about to bust into purple, heady scent. The garden is reaching for it’s peak, and I’m trying to savour the moment every day. Literally, stop to smell the roses.

Can you stop for a minute today to savour the wonders of the season? We’re doing it by cutting flowers to bring inside, jumping in post-storm rain puddles, and running through the sprinkler when it’s sunny and hot.

Be great in little things


Be great in little things. After a week off to tend to a convalescing daughter, I am ready to jump back into my regular routines. But, I’m realizing that I need to focus on little things: small steps. If I think about everything that needs to be done, I freeze like a statue. However, I know that I can be great in the little things. I don’t need to paint a whole picture, I just need to make one brush stroke: and that brush stroke can be great (but of course, never perfect… let’s not fool ourselves).

Rain is sluicing down the window pain, and thunder is rumbling on the horizon. There is something about rain that immediately gives me perspective. The world shrinks down to what I can see outside my window: water droplets and low clouds. All the extraneous distractions on the horizon are obliterated, and the important things stand out in bright focus.

Are there a few small things you can do wonderfully well today? Just focus on those, and you’ll go to bed satisfied this evening.

May goals


How is it already almost May? I thought it was February yesterday? Haha! Approaching the beginning of a new month and finishing a big project means I’m realigning my goals and priorities. 

This morning, over a frothy decaf latte, I made my list of goals and intentions for May in my Powersheets Goal Book. Then, to make sure I wasn’t overwhelmed by it all, I drew a little mini-me in the margins giving me encouragement in a speech bubble. So, that’s my daily drawing today. A little boost of encouragement for myself, and for you as well.  We’ve got this! We can do it, whatever “it” is. 

What are your goals for the merry month of May? Tell me in the comments! I’d love to know!

Pink moon


The Pink Moon: the full moon in April. Today is a bright, sunny, crisp day: the calm after yesterday’s storm. Yesterday, by contrast, was a deluge. I got drenched when I ran outside for the school run and errands. Pink cherry blossom petals roiled in the overfilled street gutters, rushing down the street and into the drains. By the evening the sky had cleared and it was cold — winter cold.I could see the glowing sky above our house, and just glimpse the moon over our eaves. I intended to sneak out to look at it, but the warmth of bed beckoned after a long day. So this scene is something I imagined. The cherry tree stands at the gate to Richmond Park in London. I see it almost daily… but I have never seen by the glowing light of the full moon. Maybe someday I will.

One of the reasons why I’m painting full moons this year is because I want to connect to the natural world in a regular way. Our ancestors relied on the moon and the stars for so many things. Even my Canadian grandmother lived by the rule that one should never plant your veggie patch until after the full moon in June. In our modern life do we think about the moon at all? Or the stars? We mostly rely on the glowing screens of our phones and computers instead of the glowing moon and stars.

The one thing I’ve learned from observing the moon is that the seasons change. I’ve been through lots of seasons of growth, from feeling stuck, to grief, to excitement and rest. They never last forever, and there’s beauty in that.

What kind of season are you walking through right now? Tell me below, and I’ll pop over to your feed to continue the discussion!